English Quiz for SBI PO Prelims 2015 – Set 23

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of English Quiz based on Cloze Test for upcoming SBI PO Prelims 2015.

In the following
passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are
printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of
which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

India has been the target of several (1) terrorist attacks in the recent years.
The 26/11 Mumbai attacks and the February 14 blast in Pune killed nearly 200
people altogether and wounded over 300. Understandably, (2) to the attacks (3)
from horror to anger to calls for (4). There were demands that more be (5) to
prevent such (6) in the future. One of these demands was to (7) off terrorist
financing or the money flow that allows terrorists to plan and implement such attacks,
(8) funds sourced from (9). The international push to stop terrorism financing
began in (10) in 1999, when the UN Security Council adopted resolution
requiring all member-states to freeze the bank accounts of Al-Qaida and the
Taliban. After 9/11, that resolution was expanded to include all terrorists
specifically identified by government.
1. (a) deadly (b) dangerous (c) mild (d) notorious (e)
2. (a) response (b) solution (c) reaction (d) approach (e)
3. (a) varied (b) ranging (c) spanned (d) covered (e) began
4. (a) recall (b) withdrawal (c) harmony (d) vengeance (e)
5. (a) asked (b) poured (c) granted (d) done (e) checked
6. (a) outbreaks (b) incidents (c) outrages (d) violences (e)
7. (a) stave (b) set (c) put (d) delay (e) choke
8. (a) covering (b) barring (c) including (d) except (e)
9. (a) abroad (b) outside (c) master (d) exchequer (e) banks
10. (a) fact (b) earnest (c) genuinity (d) real (e) swing


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