English Quiz for SBI PO Prelims 2015 – Set 4

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of English Quiz based on Fill in the Blanks and Error Correction Problems.

1. Poor people simply
refer to people living below the poverty line. ____we are still on the path of ____,
there is large number of people living without basic needs.
(a) as if, evolution
(b) provided that, flowering
(c) since, smirk
(d) as, development
(e) but, maturity
2. Whenever I think ____to
my childhood days, stories of my grandmother ____to my mind.
(a) of, lewd
(b) back, come
(c) off, enter
(d) after, elevate
(e) back, approach
3. As a fresher, he
decided to go to Delhi with Rs.1000 in hand, and landed ____at the export firm
dealt with brass, for a job.
Soon he grew in ____and bought the same establishment that he worked for.
(a) up, stature
(b) by, status
(c) to, impotence
(d) in, position
(e) out, rank
4. I and my daughter
decided to work on same project ____conflicts of ideas ____her to relieve herself

of this project and assets were sold.
(a) though, drive
(b) even if, manage
(c) then, dissuade
(d) by the time, with
(e) but, let

5. Keeping the
student’s top of mind will help you ____the big mistake so many famous
make, they deliver their lecture
from their own____. Instead, you need to deliver your lecture from the
perspective of the students whom you want to
(a) avoid, perspective
(b) avert, scene
(c) face, outlook
(d) stay, aspect
(e) skip, objectivity
6. (a) Incentives
and other facilities (b)/ should be shuffled towards morale building (c)/and
the consequent empowerment (d)/of vulnerable groups of employees.(e)/ No error
7. (a)
Accordingly the prevention of haunting of wild animals (b)/ needs to be
addressed not only (c)/ in relation to the source areas (d)/ also in the demand
areas the transit points and the forest routes. (e)/ No error
8. (a) After the
death of my first husband at a rather young age, (b)/and a young daughter to care for,
(c)/ I decided to marry with Devesh (d)/, an old businessman and father to a
son, from his own previous marriage. (e)/ No error
9. (a) Forgetting
the pain and violence Raghu suffered (b)/ is not going to be easy for him, (c)/
but with counselling,(d)/ he is slowly recovering and daring to dream of a
brighter future. (e)/ No error
10. (a) Anubhab
tried to give the clients directions orally, (b)/but they couldn’t understand him,
(c)/so he pointed out of (d)/the turning they were supposed to take.(e)/ No

6.  Replace ‘shuffled’ with ‘oriented’
7.  Add ‘but’ before ‘also’
8. Omit “with”
9. No error
10. Omit ‘of’ after ‘out’


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