English Quiz for SBI Clerk Prelims 2016 – Set 11

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of English Quiz for upcoming SBI Clerk 2016 and NABARD Assistant Manager 2016 Exam.

Read the followings carefully and answer

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DIRECTIONS (Q.1-8): In the following passage there are blanks, each of
which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and
against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
The Government seems to be in
right earnest to ensure more ____(1)____ in governance. The Prime Minister’s
announcement that his Government is ____(2)____ drafting legislation to
establish the citizen’s right to information is indeed welcome . Though the
talk on the right to information is not new, we may ____(3)____ the bill to be
brought early this time. The previous Government had set up a high-level
committee to prepare a draft bill. But nothing has been heard about the matter
since, ____(4)____ the committee did quite some work. The issue, however, has
come to such a pass that a solution cannot be ____(5)____ further. Sunlight is
the best disinfectant, a foreign judge once said, while ____(6)____ the
unwarranted secrecy in an administrative system. When those in authority know
that people have the right to ask questions and the government is under the ____(7)____
to provide them with answers, ____(8)____ of authority, or of public finances,
for personal or party ends is less likely to happen.
1. (a) strictness (b) rudeness
(c) leniency (d) economy (e) transparency
2. (a) personally (b) busy (c)
not (d) reluctantly (e) absolutely
3. (a) expect (b) wait (c) try
(d) frustrate (e) appeal
4. (a) even (b) as (c) because
(d) until (e) though
5. (a) found (b) expected (c)
delayed (d) looked (e) longed
6. (a) nurturing (b) criticising
(c) demanding (d) appreciating (e) upholding
7. (a) pretention (b) affect (c)
substance (d) obligation (e) property
8. (a) misuse (b) governance (c)
dishonour (d) curbing (e) breach

  1. Roger Federer
  2. Maniisha..:D
  3. CHITrartH


Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:57 am