English Quiz for SBI Clerk Prelims 2016 – Set 7

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of English Quiz for the upcoming SBI Clerk Prelims 2016.

Read the followings carefully and answer

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Read the following
passage carefully and answer the following questions. Certain words in the
are printed in bold to help
you locate them easily while answering some of the questions:
The inclusion of disability as a
category in Census 2001 was seen as a major victory for this marginalised category. But if greater recognition and sensitivity to their
special needs was expected, the recent disability audit conducted in public
places and historical monuments has proved exactly the opposite. Barring one
monument in the Capital, no Braille signs were found anywhere; indeed, there
was almost no way the disabled could access
these heritage sites. Needless to say, other public places are even less
disabled friendly. As for disabled Indians, a recent survey found that even the
most articulate among them were
treated as if they were entirely without varied interests and aspirations.
Their main complaint was that no one wanted to speak to them on any subject
other than their disabilities. Predictably, many of the surveyed felt that
society’s perception of them would change for the better if they could interact
with the mainstream but were prevented from doing so for lack of access to
public places and an attitude of
exclusion by society. Besides, the disabled are often cut off from productive
employment. This despite a three per cent reservation for jobs in government
and government-aided institutions for people with up to 40% disability. The
excuse jobs where the disabled can be profitably employed are yet to be
identified. At last count, only around 3,500 out of a potentially employable
seven million disabled people could find jobs annually. In schools, children
with disabilities find considerable resistance
at the entry level though the law clearly forbids this sort of discrimination.
The few disabled in India who have landed in jobs find that they are
discriminated against and often superseded
at the workplace on the assumption that any handicap will hamper competence.
This despite several studies that the disabled are more committed and
disciplined than their advantaged counterparts. The government must understand
that such a cavalier attitude
besides alienating a vast segment of society, can go against its commercial
interests—whether in terms of internal productivity or external tourism
1. Why has disability
been mentioned as “marginalised category” in the passage?
1) It was not included in the census.
2) It was the first time that it was included in Census
3) It has been a neglected category in India.
4) Only persons having 40% disability are included in job
5) They are cut off from productive employment.
2. Which of the
following has not been mentioned by the author?
1) Not only the Government’s but also the society’s attitude
is that of exclusion.
2) In 2001, only 3,500 disabled were employed.
3) Handicap does not hamper competence.
4) The inclusion of disability reflects little sensitivity
towards the disabled.
5) None of these

3. The survey has
revealed that
1) the disabled are still the neglected lot.
2) there is actually no dearth of jobs for the disabled.
3) the govt turns a blind eye to the schools flouting laws
forbidding discrimination.
4) but for the Braille, the disabled could have enjoyed
heritage sites.
5) All the above
4. Which of the
following is/are TRUE in the secondary context of the passage?
(A) Handicap does not come in the way of aspirations.
(B) Schools discriminate at secondary level.
(C) Less than 40% disabled are not included in the
reservation for jobs.
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Only C
4) Both A and C
5) Both A and B

5. What can
substitute ‘cavalier attitude’ as used in the passage?
1) Anti-discriminatory attitude
2) Welcoming cavalry
3) Discourteous attitude
4) Apartheid nature
5) Violating human rights
6. What is the aim of
the author?
1) To cite administrative neglect
2) To put Census 2001 in a critic’s perspective
3) To portray the plight of the disabled lot
4) To bring hard facts of life to light
5) To spread a message of social awareness
Directions (Q. 7-8):
Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed
bold as used in context of the
7. Access
1) Go 2) Avail 3) Find 4) Enjoy 5) Approach
8. Superseded
1) Promoted 2) Degraded 3) Downgrade 4) Lowered 5) None of
Directions (Q. 9-10):
Which of the following is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning as word printed
bold letters as used in context
of the passage?
9. Resistance
1) Objection 2) Attraction 3) Support 4) Obedience 5)
10. Articulate

1) Tacit 2) Imperative 3) Dominant 4) Abstract 5) Obsolete


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:56 am