English Quiz for SBI Clerk Prelims 2016 – Set 12

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Directions (Q. 1-10):
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering
some of the questions.
About once in every seven years,
the ocean surface off the coast of Peru warms up. This cuts the normal
enriching nutrient-rich cold water. Plankton production is drastically reduced.
This phenomenon, known as EL Nino because it starts during the Christmas
season, usually lasts for up to a year. Occasionally it goes on for longer. Three
times this century, it has persisted into a third year. The latest of these
prolonged episodes have been blamed for much more than its effect on the
Peruvian fishery. It certainly seems to have played a part in droughts in
normally humid Indonesia as well as those that brought catastrophic fires to the outskirts of Sydney. It has been blamed
for storms and landslides in coastal regions of Peru and Ecuador and is
associated with drought in north-eastern Brazil. Its influence may stretch as
far as Western Europe where the recent
winter brought heavy rainfall and flooding. El Nino is not the only ocean
phenomenon to affect the weather. To understand how this might be done, it is
useful to think about how the weather is forecast and about what makes it
predictable. Weather forecasting uses two types of techniques, both of which rely on observations of what is going
on at and shortly before the time of the forecast. To supply this information,
national authorities operate extensive
land, sea and air based observation networks. These are coordinated under the
United Nations World Meteorological Organization. There is an effective and
almost instantaneous worldwide exchange of the information gathered.
A great deal of research has been
put into this with some success but progress has been limited by two factors.
The first is that coupled ocean-atmosphere models require enormously greater
computing capacity than is provided even by the super computers used in weather
forecasting. The second is that not enough is known about the state of the
ocean at any given time- there is no global observation network as there is for
the atmosphere or about the processes that govern the interactions. When these
limitations have been overcome, it seems likely that coupled models will permit
prediction of such climatological factors as frequency and intensity of
rainfall for seasons and perhaps years ahead. In the meantime, climatologists
have begun to be able to predict the onset and co – n sequences of phenomena
such as El Nino using techniques like those used in the classical weather
forecasting method. These ex – amine the condition of the ocean at a given
instant and by comparison with past experience, attempt to predict in statistical
way ho – w the ocean or the atmosphere- and hence the climate- are likely to
behave for the next few months. As with the weather forecasts, this depends
critically on the existence of a bank of past experience, in this case,
particularly of sea-surface temperatures. A key contribution to this, recently
completed by the U.K. Meteorological Office, has been the analysis of many
millions of sea-surface temperatures.
This has led to the publication
of the first globally complete monthly fields of sea-surface temperatures from
1871 to the pre sent day. This type of information may be used to predict
events such as El Nino. Various scientific groups have tried to do so with varying
degrees of success. In the meantime meteorological office scientists have also
compared the temperature fields statistically with climatological factors. They
have shown that particularly in tropics there are significant correlations between sea-surface temperature anomalies
and climate statistics. This does not necessarily mean that one cause the
other, though some degree of direct linkage seems likely. But it does open up
the possibility of predicting short term climate fluctuations. The U.K.
meteorological office has app – roached this by a rigorous comparison between
rainfall statistics in the Nordeste area of Brazil, whose crops can be
seriously affected by drought, with contemporaneous sea-surface temperatures
worldwide. This has revealed significant links, verified over a period 1901-85,
between rainfall and sea-surface temperatures in the north and south tropical
Atlantic and western tropical Pacific, the area most strongly affected by El
1. Which of the
following is not true about El Nino?
1) It is the most important ocean phenomenon to affect a
region’s weather pattern.
2) There seems to be a statistical link between sea-surface
temperatures and the occurrence of El Nino.
3) The consequences of El Nino can vary with the
geographical position of the affected area.
4) Generally the effects of El Nino persist for about a
5) The consequences of El Nino may vary with the
geographical position of the affected area.
2. Which of the
following data will be helpful in the prediction of El Nino?
1) Daily temperature recorded in coastal areas.
2) Daily atmospheric pressure levels for one previous year.
3) A data bank of sea-surface temperatures.
4) All of the above
5) None of the above
3. The frequency of
occurrence of El Nino, approximately, is
1) Once every year
2) About three times in a century
3) Once in three years
4) Once every seven years
5) About three times in a decade
4. The passage talks
1) The factors that can trigger phenomenon like El Nino
2) Phenomenon like El Nino that affect the planet’s climate.
3) The global efforts being done in order to predict El Nino
4) The advances being made in the field of meteorological
predictions through a greater study of ocean-atmosphere interactions.
5) Phenomenon like El Nino that do not affect the planet’s
5. Long term, weather
forecasting may become a reality one day when
1) There exists a global databank on the state of the ocean
and its result ant interactions with the atmosphere.
2) Computers which are more efficient than supercomputers
come into existence.
3) There is a thorough analysis of sea surface temperatures
and their effects on the oceans.
4) 1), 2) and 3) simultaneously fall into place.
5) 1) and 2) are taken care of.

Directions (Q.6-8):
Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word printed in bold as

used in the passage.
6. Catastrophic
1) Disastrous 2) Developing
3) Prosperous 4) Possible
5) Probable
7. Recent
1) Latest 2) Last
3) Previous 4) Final
5) Prior
8. Rely
1) Depend 2) Vary
3) Very 4) Fluctuate
5) Swing
Directions (Q 9-10):
Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning to the word printed in bold

as used in the passage.
9. Extensive
1) Wide 2) Spacious
3) Ample 4) Plenty
5) Narrow
10. Significant
1) Important 2) Imperative
3) Trivial 4) Central
5) Chief
  1. Ruchi – 10/10
  2. Chitrarth – 9/10
  3. Gr@$p…..A K – 9/10


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:57 am