English Quiz for LIC AAO 2016 – Set 10

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of English Quiz for LIC AAO 2016.

Directions (Q. 1-10):
In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered.
These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are
suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate
The tea plant, a native of Southern China, was known ______(1)
very early times of Chinese botany and medicine. It is ______(2) in the
classics ______(3) the various names of Tou, Tseh, Chung, Kha and Ming and was ______(4)
praised for possessing the virtues of ______(5) fatigue, delighting the soul,
strengthening the will and repairing the eyesight. It was not only administered
as an internal dose, but often ______(6) externally in the form of paste to ______(7)
rheumatic pains. The Taoists claimed it ______(8) an important ______(9) of the
elixir of immortality. The Buddhists used it extensively to prevent drowsiness
during ____________(10) long hours of meditation.
1. 1) to 2) after 3) from 4) beyond 5) behind
2. 1) taken 2) resorted 3) awarded 4) alluded 5) introduced
3. 1) under 2) between 3) among 4) besides 5) like

4. 1) rarely 2) loosely 3) under 4) severely 5) highly
5. 1) absorbing 2) relieving 3) avoiding 4) resolving 5)

6. 1) inserted 2) developed 3) conceived 4) controlled 5)

7. 1) recuperate 2) alleviate 3) conceal 4) indicate 5) slow

8. 1) to 2) also 3) although 4) as 5) hardly

9. 1) ingredient 2) aspect 3) offshoot 4) outcome 5)

10. 1) that 2) these 3) their 4) our 5) remote
  1. the fighter
  2. Hopeā€¦
  3. Sur(*-*)


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