English Quiz for IPPB Prelims 2017 – Double Fillers

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of English Quiz for IPPB Prelims 2017.

Directions: (Q. 1-10): In each of
the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there
are five pairs of words denoted by numbers 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5). Find out
which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same
sequence to make it meaningfully complete.
1. It is clear that the US does not ________ itself
answerable to world ________.
1) consider, opinion
2) bow, order
3) adhere, demand
4) deemed, favour
5) recognise, fraternity
2. Terrorism is a ________ that still ________ us.
1) menace, strike
2) problem, evades
3) burden, load
4) misery, pain
5) bane, afflicts
3. Decades of uncontrolled illegal ________ from Bangladesh
________ the proportions of a demographic invasion years ago.
1) occupancy, managed
2) flow, resulted
3) settlement, changed
4) immigration, acquired
5) entry, drove
4. While modernising India, the rural ________ has to be taken
________ of first.
1) folk, considered
2) area, confidence
3) population, care
4) populace, priority
5) sector, view
5. The current worldwide ________ of Islamic terrorism make
the task of ________ this menace immensely difficult.
1) support, avoiding
2) links, countering
3) backing, solving
4) trade, averting
5) operation, supporting
6. A new interest regime has been ________ to ________ greater
returns on investments.
1) offered, supply
2) fixed, create
3) placed, avail
4) pioneered, projecting
5) introduced, ensure
7. The world’s only superpower must think again about the
________ a war could ________ in this nuclear era.
1) rain, cause
2) damage, devastate
3) humanity, suffer
4) grief, inflict
5) destruction, havoc
8. India should ________ that the military option will primarily
cause ________ to the people of Iraq.
1) project, disorder
2) emphasise, sufferings
3) dictate, disastrous
4) manifest, opposition
5) maintain, hostility
9. The army had ________ problems ________ its capital budget
and frequently had to surrender money.
1) maintenance, haunting
2) unseen, facing
3) immense, utilising
4) umpteen, counting
5) futuristic, draining
10. The dictator has ________ suggestions that he should ________
power and go into exile.
1) challenged, usurp
2) questioned, grab
3) considered, manage
4) rejected, relinquish

5) fired, abuse

  1. 1
  2. 5
  3. 4
  4. 3
  5. 2
  6. 5
  7. 4
  8. 2
  9. 3
  10. 4


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:54 am