English Quiz for Bank PO Mains – New Para Jumble – 44

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The following set consists 10 questions on New pattern Para Jumble with 10 minutes in hand.

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English Quiz for Bank PO Prelims – New Pattern Para Jumble – For Revision

Following paragraphs are numbered (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). The first Sentences of each paragraphs are marked in bold which means these sentences are not subject to change. You have to rearrange the sentences market (B), (C), (D) and (E) into a meaningful paragraph. If there is no change required, choose (5).

  1. (A) Hinduism’s early history is the subject of much debate for a number of reasons.

(B) Hinduism has no definite starting point. The traditions which flow into Hinduism may go back several thousand years and some practitioners claim that the Hindu revelation is eternal.

(C) In a strict sense there was no ‘Hinduism’ before modern times, although the sources of Hindu traditions are very ancient.

(D) The early history of Hinduism is difficult to date and Hindus themselves tend to be more concerned with the substance of a story or text rather than its date.

(E)Although there is an emphasis on personal spirituality, Hinduism’s history is closely linked with social and political developments, such as the rise and fall of different kingdoms and empires.

(1) BDCE

(2) CEBD

(3) CBED

(4) BCED

(5) No change

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Option: C
  1. (A) The Indus Valley civilisation was located in the basin of the river Indus, which flows through present day Pakistan.

(B) The Indus Valley was a developed urban culture akin to the civilisations of Mesopotamia.

(C) The Indus civilisation did not develop as a result of contact with other civilisations such as Sumer or Egypt but was an indigenous development growing out of earlier, local cultures.

(D) It had developed by about 2500 BCE although its origins reach back to the Neolithic period. It had faded away by 1500 BCE.

(E) The civilisation was extensive, from the eastern foothills of the Himalayas, to Lothar on the Gujarat coast, and to Sutgagen Dor near the Iranian border.

(1) BDCE

(2) EDCB

(3) CBDE

(4) DBEC

(5) No change

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Option: D
  1. (A) This period, beginning from around the time of Buddha (died c. 400 BCE), saw the composition of further texts, the Dharma Sutras and Shastras, the two Epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, and subsequently the Puranas, containing many of the stories still popular today.

(B) The Dharma Sutras recognise three sources of dharma: revelation (i.e. the Veda), tradition (smrti), and good custom. The Laws of Manu adds ‘what is pleasing to oneself’.

(C) The idea of Dharma (law, duty, truth) which is central to Hinduism was expressed in a genre of texts known as Dharma Sutras and Shastras.

(D) From this period we can recognise many elements in present day Hinduism, such as bhakti (devotion) and temple worship.

(E) The rise of the Gupta Empire saw the development of the great traditions of Vaishnavism (focussed on Vishnu), Shaivism (focussed on Shiva) and Shaktism (focussed on Devi).

(1) EDBC

(2) DECB

(3) CBED

(4) BECD

(5) No change

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Option: C
  1. (A) The British established a university in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in 1857, followed by one at Lahore (now in Pakistan) in 1882 and Allahabad in 1877, but without a department of geography.

(B)  It was geology, not geography; which was earlier given an academic recognition by the Indian Science Congress Association.

(C) The Indian Universities Act, passed in 1904, was designed to embark upon post-graduate teaching and research in both the humanities, and the physical science, but there was no mention of the discipline of geography to be introduced in the college/university curriculum.

(D) However, credit must be given to the Indian Science Congress Association, formed in 1914, for promoting the geography teaching at the under-graduate college level, particularly, where infrastructure was available for beginning teaching, although geography was not in its priorities at its initial phase.

(E) It was after 16 years since the Indian Universities Act of 1904 was passed that the geography teaching at the undergraduate level was started and/or introduced in colleges affiliated to Lahore in 1920, Aligarh in 1924 and in Patna in 1927.

(1) DEBC

(2) CEDB

(3) BCED

(4) EBCD

(5) No change

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Option: B
  1. (A) Majority of the leading departments, which were accorded special treatment, started their own geographical societies and associations, to further geographical research and training.

(B) By 2000, India had about 50 societies and associations.

(C) However, majority of them were tied up with the colleges where there were departments of geography.

(D) No doubt, geographical societies have been playing a very significant role in promoting geographical teaching, research, training and studies in the various sub-branches of the discipline, particularly at the centres and/ or departments, where geographical societies have come into existence.

(E) Although the societies were mostly manned by the non-geographers, they flourished over time under their dynamic guidance.

(1) CEBD

(2) BDCE

(3) EBDC

(4) DCEB

(5) No change

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Option: E
  1. (A) India has an area of 328.7 million sq. hectares from the snow covered Himalayan heights to tropical rain forest of the south.

(B)  Out of the total population, the proportion of rural population was 74.3 per cent as against 82.7 per cent in 1951.

(C) While India accounts for 16 per cent of the world’s population, it has only a 2.4 per cent share in the land surface of the world.

(D)India’s population as on 1 March, 1991 stood at 846.3 million as against 84.6 million in 1981.

(E) In a relative sense, India’s position in this respect is distinctly unfavourable.

(1) CBED

(2) DBCE

(3) CDBE

(4) EDBC

(5) No change

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Option: B
  1. (A) India’s history and culture is dynamic, spanning back to the beginning of human civilization.

(B) Available evidence suggests that the use of iron, copper and other metals was widely prevalent in the Indian sub-continent at a fairly early period, which is indicative of the progress that this part of the world had made.

(C) The history of India is punctuated by constant integration of migrating people with the diverse cultures that surround India.

(D) By the end of the fourth millennium BC, India had emerged as a region of highly developed civilization.

(E)  It begins with a mysterious culture along the Indus River and in farming communities in the southern lands of India.

(1) ECBD

(2) CBDE

(3) CEDB

(4) ECDB

(5) No change

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Option: A
  1. (A) The world “politics” represents the diverse world of relationships, activities, behavior, orientation, views and communication links regarding government and governance.

(B) The purpose of the politics is to guide public development in a positive direction by identifying common objectives and ways of achieving them.

(C) It was considered a science since the time the mankind developed the laws of social development, which influenced the political life.

(D) The target of politics is the various social groups – classes, community, international organizations, political parties, foundations, forms of government, and so on.

(E) These organizations carry certain information and their functions are not identical.

(1) BCED

(2) CDBE

(3) EDBC

(4) EBCD

(5) No change

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Option: E
  1. (A) The so-called “War on Drugs,” as declared by the Nixon administration in the signing of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, marked the beginning of the current era of mandatory minimum sentencing, racism, privatized prisons, and a powerful constituency that profits as a result of the prohibition of drugs.

(B)  A good majority of the criminal justice system is paid with this budgeted drug money.

(C)  It is not only law enforcement side that would like to see prohibition remain intact; it is also the drug dealers that would like the policies to remain as they are.

(D) There has been a historical increase in judges, lawyers, police officers and the creation of entire government organizations that directly make money as a result of the prohibition.

(E) One thing that must be made obvious is that the government makes money regardless of the results that they produce.

(1) BDCE

(2) EBDC

(3) EBCD

(4) BCED

(5) No change

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Option: B
  1. (A) With global crude prices remaining elevated, the rupee is likely to be under pressure, and may touch the 76 levels against the US currency over the next three months, says a report.

(B)  The domestic currency has already crossed the 74 mark owing to continued strengthening of the dollar, lack of foreign flows and higher crude oil prices.

(C)  From April to the first week of August 2018, the RBI has been intervening in the forex markets to contain volatility, which leads to a massive drop in the forex reserves that plunged by USD 25 billion to USD 393 billion last week.

(D) The unit lost over 15 percent since the beginning of the calendar year.

(E) This has led to two successive repo rate hikes to the tune of 50 basis points in total.

(1) DECB

(2) BDCE

(3) DEBC

(4) BDEC

(5) No change

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Option: B

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This post was last modified on November 8, 2018 9:23 pm