English Quiz – Comprehension Test

Directions (Q. 1-15): Read the following passage carefully and answer
the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases in the passage are printed
in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

In a country where
consumers have traditionally had a raw deal, the Consumer Protection Act was
one of the most progressive acts of legislation introduced in 1986. Before
this, a shop could get away easily with the line “goods once sold will not be
taken back or exchanged” or a car parking contractor with “park at your own
risk”. It is not that things have changed now but at least a legislation is in
place and a forum is available to
seek redressal. One of the basic
limitations of this act is its mystification and general ignorance. No consumer
agency or group has made its provisions general, nor has any redressal commission
or forum. Restricted as it is by a lack of infrastructure and personnel and
great verdicts to encourage consumers.

The legislation is
comprehensive. It gives consumers the right to redress against defective goods,
deficient services and unfair trade practices. Consumer courts must deliver
their judgments within 40 days, but rarely is this deadline adhered to. This reviewer
had a first-hand experience of the chairman of a consumer court in Delhi who adjourned a case against a foreign
airline for two years on the grounds that he did not have staff to type the
orders. His replacement found the backlog so shocking that he dismissed several
cases without applying his mind, in the process working against the interests
of consumers. But what is more important is that the law has it that a consumer
can approach court on his own without having to pay legal fees. In practice,
this does not happen.

The chairperson of the
National Commission, who is a sitting judge, is so attuned to delivering judgments which can stand scrutiny in a civil
court of law that it is insisted upon that a consumer must be represented by a lawyer.
If not, cases are adjourned with impunity
and set for another day. Girimaji’s attempt is creditable in that it is the
first of its kind and has addressed almost all possible angles. She has
discussed redressal in complaints about housing, basic telephony, rail
transportation, power supply, life insurance and medical negligence. There are
even tips on how to file a complaint. But it is mired in the case files of the National/State Commissions of the
Consumer Forum. A useful dimension would have been a comparison with the Law of
Torts practised abroad. It is necessary here also, especially in an era of economic
liberalisation, when the consumer is likely to be swept off his feet by
free-market forces.

1. Why is the consumer likely to be swept off his feet?
(a) He is easily taken
in by the deceptive publicity.
(b) He is wooed by the
charm of foreign brands readily available in the market.
(c) He is not aware of
the Law of Torts as practised abroad.
(d) He is not aware of
the benefits of the consumer rights.
(e) The Consumer
Protection Act has been implemented and he can seek redressal.

2. What does ‘lack of … verdicts’ imply?
(a) A lack of the
basis of the system, trained staff and decisions based on fact
(b) A paucity of
funds, jury and judgement
(c) A lack of
resources, employees and final decision based on facts
(d) Not having the
required manpower, economy and decisive ruling
(e) None of these

3. Which of the following statements is/are true?
A. Girimaji’s attempt is comprehensive but could have done with an
angle or two more.
B. Though the Act allows the consumer to approach the court on his own,
yet a lawyer to represent him is insisted upon.
C. Despite the Act, much remains the same.
(a) Only A and C
(b) Only A and B
(c) All A, B and C
(d) Only B and C
(e) None of these

4. What does the author mean by ‘mystification of the Act’?
(a) The mysterious Act
is yet to be resolved.
(b) The consumer is
wary of the Act.
(c) The Act is not
easily accessible.
(d) The consumer
remains unaware of his rights and privileges.
(e) The plight of the
consumer is yet to end.

5. Which of the following best describes the judge’s replacement?
(a) He was partial
towards the airline as it was a foreign one.
(b) He never bothered
to safeguard the interests of the reviewer.
(c) He dismissed cases
without even giving a second thought to what cases came to him.
(d) He was apathetic
and uninterested about the direction the case might head in.
(e) He passed
irrelevant verdicts indifferently.

6. What does the Act broadly cover?
(a) It protects the
right to redress.
(b) It is a forum that
protects the redresser.
(c) It shields the
consumer from deceptive and unfair trade practices.
(d) It enables the
plaintiff to fight his case free of cost.
(e) None of these

7. Which of the following is a limitation of the Act?
(a) It does not cover
the international law of torts.
(b) It is not
comprehensive with regard to liberal economy.
(c) No forum or
commission has come forward to bring it to light.
(d) Its red-tapism
(e) None of these

8. How has Girimaji’s attempt been creditable?
(a) It has given the
Act a new dimension.
(b) She has brought
all the loopholes in the Act to the consumer’s notice.
(c) She has looked at
the Act in a very disinterested and impersonal manner.
(d) She has discussed
the law in the most explicit manner.
(e) Her implicit
dialogue with the consumer has made him aware of his rights.

9. What is the functionary role of the chairman of the National
(a) To be the titular
head of the commission
(b) To be accountable
to the public
(c) To prevent any
dissent arising out of his verdicts and Acts
(d) To adjourn the
cases with impunity
(e) None of these

Directions (Q. 10-12): Choose the word which is most SIMILAR in meaning
to the word printed in
bold as used in the passage.

10. Forum
(a) Dias
(b) Podium
(c) Platform
(d) Stage
(e) None of these

11. Attuned
(a) Brought into harmony
(b) Adjusted
(c) Hazardous
(d) Out of tune
(e) Malpractice

12. Adjourned
(a) Stopped
(b) Postponed
(c) Decided
(d) Cleared
(e) Pended

Directions (Q. 13-15): Select the word which is most OPPOSITE in
meaning of the word printed in
bold as used in the passage.

13. Impunity
(a) Penalised
(b) Fine
(c) Sentence
(d) Freedom from
(e) None of these

14. Mired
(a) Buried
(b) Muddy
(c) Steeped
(d) Free
(e) None of these

15. Redressal
(a) Plea
(b) Justice
(c) Sue for
(d) Not to compensate
(e) Put right

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 9:03 am