Data Interpretation Quiz – March, 2015 – Set 3

Directions(1-5):500 students appeared
in all in an placement examination consisting of three papers Reasoning, Maths
and English, 52.6% students passed in Reasoning, 57% in Maths and 50.4% in English.
18% of students passed only in Reasoning and Maths, 10.2% passed only in Reasoning
and English and 8.4% passed in all three papers. The number of girls passed in
Paper Reasoning only is 60% of the number of boys who passed only in paper Reasoning.
The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls who passed only in Paper
Maths is 7:6. The number of girls who passed in Paper English only is 6% of the
total number of students who appeared in the examination.

Answer the following
questions based on the above information.
1. How many students
are there who passed in Paper Maths and English, but failed in Reasoning?
1) 65
2) 55
3) 85
4) 90
5) 75
2. What is the difference
between the number of boys and the number of girls who passed in Paper Reasoning
1) 35
2) 30
3) 20
4) 25
5) 50
3. What percentage of
students passed only in Paper Maths?
1) 15.6%
2) 15.9%
3) 14.2%
4) 16.66%
5) 18.4%
4.  What is the ratio of the number of students who
passed only in Paper Reasoning and Maths to the
number of boys who passed only in Paper English?
1) 5 : 3
2) 7 : 4
3) 15 : 14
4) 9 : 8
5) 8 : 7
5.  What is the percentage of students who failed in
any two papers?
1) 51.66%
2) 48.4%
3) 53%
4) 54.5%
5) 59.9%

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