Data Interpretation Quiz – 8

Data Interpretation QuizData Interpretation Quiz

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Data Interpretation quiz for upcoming bank exams.


Q(1-5): The following information is about performance of Rohan in IBPS PO exam. Read the information carefully and answer the following question .

The exam consists of 200 question and 200 marks, with five sections i.e. Quant, Reasoning, G.A., English, computers. Each question has equal marks i.e. 1 with negative marking of 25%.

Rohan  attempted 30 question in Reasoning with an accuracy  of 90%. The total number of questions in reasoning is 50. He attempted 40 question out of 50 question in quant with an accuracy of 85%. Total 35 question are attempted by Rohan in English with the ratio of right questions to wrong questions 5:2.The total number of question in English is 50. In G.A. he attempted all question(i.e. 50) and got 40 marks. Rohan attemped 45 questions in Computer out of which 8 question are wrong.


Q:1- Find the marks obtained by Rohan in Reasoning.

(a) 26.25

(b) 26.50

(c) 26.75

(d) 27.00

(e) 27.25


Option: A

Explanation: Marks in Reasoning = 26.25.


Q:2- Find the total marks and marks % obtained by Rohan in the exam.

(a) 156.25, 78.125%

(b) 157.25, 78.125%

(c) 156.25, 77.555%

(d) 156.50, 76.125%

(e) 157.25, 75.225%


Option: A


Total marks obtained = 156.25

Marks % = 78.125%



Q:3- The ratio of number of correct question in quant and number of incorrect questions in the same subject.

(a) 14:3

(b) 15:2

(c) 16:5

(d) 17:3

(e) 17:5


Option: D


Correct questions = 40 × 85/100 = 34

           Incorrect questions = 6

           Cor.ques : inc. ques = 34:6 = 17:3.



Q:4- Find the total number of correct questions attempted by Rohan in English.

(a) 22

(b) 22

(c) 23

(d) 24

(e) 25


Option: E


Total attempt question in English=35

  Ratio of correct and incorrect question = 5:2

                                                            7’s  = 35

                                                             1’s = 5

                       Correct question = 5 × 5

                                                     = 25.



Q:5- Find the ratio of total number of correct questions and total number of incorrect questions in the exam.

(a) 32:7

(b) 33:5

(c) 33:7

(d) 34:9

(e) 34:7


Option: C


Total correct question in the exam = 27+34+25+42+37

                                                                            = 165

       Total incorrect question in the exam  = 3+6+10+8+8

                                                                          = 35

                   Correct ques.: incorrect ques. = 165:35

                                                                          = 33:7.   



Direction (Q:6-10): Study the following table to answer the given questions.

Expenditure of a company (In Lakh Rupees)per annum over the given years.

Item of Expediture/



Salary Fuel and      Transport Bonus Interest on         Loans Taxes
2010 288 98 3.00 23.4 83
2011 342 112 2.52 32.5 108
2012 324 101 3.84 41.6 74
2013 336 133 3.68 36.4 88
2014 420 142 3.96 49.4 98



Q:6- The ratio between the total expenditure on Taxes for all the years and the total expenditure on Fuel and Transport for all the years respectively is approximately:

(a) 8:3

(b) 11:9

(c) 10:13

(d) 13:10

(e) 17:13


Option: C


Required Ratio =(83+108+74+88+98)/(98+112+101+133+142)

                                           = 10:13



Q:7- The total expenditure of the company over these items during the year 2012 is :

(a) Rs.522.22 lakhs

(b) Rs.544.44 lakhs

(c) Rs.555.55 lakhs

(d) Rs.666.66 lakhs

(e) Rs.444.44 lakhs


Option: B


Total expenditure of the company during 2012

                                 = Rs.(324+101+3.84+41.6+74 ) lakhs

                                  = Rs.544.44 lakhs.



Q:8- What is the average amount of interest per year which the company had to pay during this period ?

(a) 33.33 lakhs

(b) 34.34 lakhs

(c) 35.55 lakhs

(d) 36.66 lakhs

(e) 37.77 lakhs


Option: D


Average amount of interest paid by the company during the given period

                                     = Rs.(23.4+32.5+41.6+36.4+49.4)/5

                                     = Rs.36.66 lakhs



Q:9- Total expenditure on all these items in 2010 was approximately what percentage of the total expenditure in 2014 ?

(a) 68%

(b) 69%

(c) 70%

(d) 71%

(e) 72%


Option: B


Required percentage = [(288+98+3+23.4+83)×00/(420+142+3.96+49.4+98)]%

                                                      ≈ 69.45%

                                                      = 69%.



Q:10- The total amount of bonus paid by the company during the given period is approximately what percentage of the total amount of salary paid during this period ?

(a) 1%

(b) 2%

(c) 3%

(d) 4%

(e) 5%


Option: A


Required Percentage = [(3+2.52+3.84+3.68+3.96)×100 / (288+342+324+336+420)]%

                                                      ≈ 1%.




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This post was last modified on June 2, 2019 12:12 pm