Daily Word List – Set 27

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is the 27th set of Daily Word List.

1. Abruptly:  suddenly;
without notice.
Example: Without warning, my boss abruptly
fired me.
2. Catharsis:  the process of
releasing strong emotions and feelings.
Example:  Crying is a
great catharsis for releasing pain
and anger.
3. Wretched:  incredibly
Example:  The migraine made Cathy feel wretched.
4. Serene: calm; peaceful.
Example: The quiet beach made a serene
setting for the midnight wedding.
5. Xenophobia:  a dread or
dislike of anything or anyone foreign, especially people from other cultures
and races.
Example:  The dog’s xenophobia
causes him to bark at everyone he does not know.
6. Redress:  to make
something right or the payment for a wrong.
Example:  If Jim is not paid the money he is owed, he
will go to court to seek redress.
7. Elegiac:  communicating mourning or sorrow
Example: The elegiac poem brought
everyone to tears during the funeral.
8. Travesty:  a false or distorted representation of
something, usually of something serious.
Example:  It would be a travesty of justice to put an
innocent man in jail.
9. Repose:  a state of rest, sleep, or tranquility.
Example:  Not wishing to disturb whatever might be lying
in repose, the troop tiptoed past
the cave.
10. Venial:  capable of being excused.
Example:  Because the principal felt the boys had committed a venial offense, he only gave them a light punishment.


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