Daily Word List – Set 20

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is the 20th set of Daily Word List.

1. Culpable: guilty; deserving blame
Example: The judge found the man culpable of the crime and sentenced him to life in prison.
2. Eclectic: something that is made up of various sources or styles.
Example: In Gerald’s library, you will find an eclectic mix of books because he will read just about anything.
3. Iridescent: exhibiting a wide range of brilliant colors like a
Example: The singer’s iridescent
necklace glowed brightly under the spotlight.
4. Judicious: showing intelligence and good judgment.
Example: Without judicious
planning, we will not be able to complete the project on time.
5. Somatic: something that relates to the physical body.
They sought permission to create these embryos, using a process called somatic cell nuclear transfer.
6. Camouflage: hide or disguise.
Example: The portal was camouflaged
by sand and shrubs.
7. Doff: take off
Example: We doff our
caps to show respect
8. Facile: easily performed.
Example: While the adults found the video game complicated, the
teenagers thought it was facile and
easily played.
9. Hallucination: something that someone sees or imagines that is not
really there
Example:-  I was so tired
when I got home, I had a hallucination
of inanimate objects moving, so I went straight to bed.
10. Humus: partially decomposed organic matter.
Example: It is covered with a thick sheet of black earth, a kind of
loess, that is mixed with humus.


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