Daily Word List – 4 January, 2017 – Definition | Synonyms | Use in a Sentence

Hello and welcome to exampundit. So here are the Daily Word List of 4 January, 2017.

1. Garrulity
(n): excessive talkativeness, especially on trivial matters.
Use: “the
character’s comic garrulity”
loquaciousness, talkative, bombastic, wordy.
2. Paraphernalia (n):
miscellaneous articles, especially the equipment needed for a particular
Use: “drills,
saws, and other paraphernalia necessary for home improvements”
Synonyms: set of
equipments, miscellaneous items, belongings
3. Ricochet (v):a
shot or hit that rebounds off a surface.
Use: “she
was hit by a ricochet in the leg”
Synonyms: rebound,
recoil, defect
4. Bungling
(adj): carry out (a task) clumsily or incompetently.
Use: “she
had bungled every attempt to help”
Synonyms: clumsy,
awkward, unskillful
5. Leery (adj):
cautious or wary due to realistic suspicions.
Use: “a city
leery of gang violence”
Synonyms: suspicious,
dubious, unsure
6. Nocuous (adj):dangerous,
damaging, deadly
7. Precocious (adj):
(of behaviour or ability) having developed at an earlier age than is usual or
Use: “a
precocious talent for computing”
Synonyms: bright,
cocky, exceptionally smart
8. Simpatico
(adj): (of a person) likeable and easy to get on with.
Use: “the
inspector was a charming man, so simpatico”
Synonyms: compatible
temperament, agreeable, likable
9. Lynch
(v): (of a group of people) kill (someone) for an alleged offence without a
legal trial, especially by hanging.
Use: “her
father had been lynched by whites”
Synonyms: kill by
hanging, execute, murder
10. Imbroglio
(n): an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.
Use: “the
abdication imbroglio of 1936”

Synonyms: an
entanglement, a complicated situation


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:54 am