Daily Word List – 11 January, 2017 – Definition | Synonyms | Use in a Sentence

Hello and welcome to exampundit. So here are the Daily Word List of 10 January, 2017.

1. Vacuous
having lack of thought.
Synonyms: empty, unintelligent,
blank, drained.
Use: There is no
substance to her vacuous claim on the property!
2. Propitious
(adj): something which is beneficiary or in favour.
Synonyms: full of
promise, Good, favorable, auspicious, opportune.
Use: “the timing for such a meeting seemed propitious”
3. Incendiary
Intentionally stirring up strife, trouble.
Synonyms: damage,
provocative, inflammatory.
Use: Politics is
an incendiary topic; it tends to cause fights to break out.
4. Hebetude
lack of interest or mental lethargy.
lethargy, apathy, disinterest.
Use: Incuriousness
was the most potent ally of our imposed order; for Eastern government rested
not so much on consent or force, as on the common supinity, hebetude, lack-a-
daisiness, which gave a minority undue effect.
5. Vitriol (n):
(by extension) bitterly abusive language.
bitterness, sarcasm, disdain.
Use: For days, online
forums sparked with outrage against politicians and race organizers, a tone
that turned to vitriol against runners, even from some shaming other runners
for being selfish.
6. Eclat
brilliance of success or effort;
Synonyms: style, flair,
dynamism, glory, renown.
Use: “he
finished his recital with great éclat”
7. Dandified
To dress as, or to adopt the style of.
Synonyms: dapper,
fashionable, natty.
Use: “he
writes a dandified prose”
8. Avarice
extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
Synonyms: greed,
acquisitiveness, cupidity
Use: “he was
rich beyond the dreams of avarice”
9. Maraud (v):
to move about in roving fashion looking for plunder.
Synonyms: pillage
and plunder, despoil, harass.
Use: a marauding
10. Wastrel
who wastes time or resources extravagantly.
Synonyms: loafer,
rake, Vagabond, profligate.

Use: Mary’ mother
– if that was her picture – may have been a wastrel in her spare time (she had
thirteen children by a minister of the church), but if so her gay and
dissipated life had left too few traces of its pleasures on her face.


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:54 am