Computer Knowledge Quiz – May, 2015 – Set 1

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of Computer Knowledge Quiz.

1. Space bar is a ––––
(a) Function key
(b) Number key
(c) Navigation key
(d) Editing key
(e) Double–role key

2. Which is not true about flash memory ?
(a) Its a non-volatile memory.
(b) It can be erased.
(c) Flash memory is used in digital cellular phones.
(d) Both B and C
(e) None of these

3. _____ is an informal high–level description of the operating principle of a computer or other algorithm.
(a) Pseudo code
(b) Flow charts
(c) Algorithms
(d) Structured programming
(e) None of these

4. Ctrl + P is used for ––––
(a) To past the selected items.
(b) To print the selected items.
(c) To point out the cursor.
(d) Press the underlined character to select an item on a menu.
(e) None of these

5. What is the full form of PDF ?
(a) Portable disk format
(b) Personal document file
(c) Portable document format
(d) Programmable disk format
(e) None of these

6. 1 TB = ?
(a) 1024 PB
(b) 1024 KB
(c) 1024 ZB
(d) 1024 YB
(e) None of these

7. Which is a high level language ?
(a) C + +
(b) Prolog
(c) Pascal
(d) LISP
(e) All of the above

8. What does the decision data flow diagram show in programming language ?
(a) The logical process which has either result yes or no.
(b) Input and output in program.
(c) Storage of data.
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these

9.Which of the following is only an input device ?
(a) Headphones
(b) Printer
(c) Compact disk
(d) Speech recognition system
(e) None of these

10. Who has invented the Ethernet (local computer network)?
(a) Xerox
(b) Dan Bricklin
(c) Robert Metcalfe
(d) Both B and C
(e) Both A and C

11. The motherboard allows the CPU, RAM and all other computer hardware components to ___ and ___ with each other.
(a) Logical information, network
(b) Print, detail information
(c) Function, communicate
(d) Co–ordinate, major explanation
(e) None of these

12. Which of the following is a network point that acts as an entrance to another network ?
(a) Hibernate
(b) Intranet
(c) Gateway
(d) Internet
(e) None of these

13. .aero domain name is used for ––––
(a) Personal websites
(b) Asia
(c) Non-profit organization
(d) India
(e) Aviation

14. What is/are the functions of IP address ?
(a) It works as a host.
(b) It shows location address.
(c) It blocks internet service providers.
(d) Both 1 and 2
(e) All of the above

15. Which best define the hibernate mode ?
(a) Hibernate mode is quite different from sleep mode.
(b) A sleep mode where the power can’t be shut off.
(c) A power management mode that conserves power by powering down the system.
(d) The system will power down but data is not saved to hard drive.
(e) None of these

16. E–learing is mainly used to –––
(a) Distance learning and flexible learning.
(b) Impart knowledge to higher studies.
(c) Teach more students at a time.
(d) All of the above
(e) None of these

17. Which is a system software ?
(a) Assembler and Compiler software
(b) DOS
(c) Graphics driver
(d) Unix
(e) All of the above

18. A database is a/an ––––
(a) Organized collection of data.
(b) Electronic filing system.
(c) An unstructured set of data held in a computer.
(d) Both A and B
(e) Both B and C

19. Which layer of OSI model is responsible for end–to–end error recovery and flow control ?
(a) Transport layer
(b) Session layer
(c) Network layer
(d) Data layer
(e) Physical layer

20. A computer system that has been customized for a particular application is known as –––
(a) Personal system
(b) Web based system
(c) Operating system
(d) Turn–key system
(e) None of these


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