Computer Knowledge Quiz for upcoming IBPS Exams – Set 9

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Computer Knowledge Quiz for upcoming IBPS Exams.
1. Identify the IP address from the following:
1) 300.215.317.3
2) 302.215@417.5
4) 202-50-20-148
5) 101.50. 2 0.148
2. Memories which can be read only are called ____ memories.
1) RAM
2) Secondary Memory
4) Dynamic Memories
5) ROM
3. What is the another name of endless loop?
1) Data traffic pattern
2) Data loop
3) Infinite loop
4) Feedback loop
5) Slot
4. A single packet on a data link is known as ___
1) Path
2) Frame
3) Block
4) Group
5) None of the above
5. The microcomputer, Intel MCS-80 is based on the widely used Intel ___
1) 8080 microprocessor
2) 8085 microprocessor
3) 8086 microprocessor
4) 8082 microprocessor
5) None of the above
6. Any storage device added to a computer beyond the immediately usable main storage is known as:
1) Floppy disk
2) Hard disk
3) Backing store
4) Punched card
5) None of the above
7. Which output device is used for translating information from a computer into pictorial form on paper?
1) Mouse
2) Plotter
3) Touch panel
4) Card punch
5) None of the above
8. Which type of system puts the user into direct conversation with the computer through a keyboard?
1) Real time processing
2) Interactive computer
3) Batch processing
4) Time sharing
5) None of the above
9. The list of coded instructions is called:
1) Computer program
2) Algorithm
3) Flowchart
4) Utility programs
5) None of the above
10. A section of code to which control is transferred when a processor is interrupted is known as ___
1) M
2) SVC
3) IP
4) MDR
5) None of the above


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This post was last modified on July 20, 2019 12:39 pm