Computer Knowledge Quiz 2017 – Set 1

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is the first set of Computer Knowledge Quiz for upcoming Bank & Insurance Examinations in 2017.

1. For
checking spelling one uses
dictionary disk
(B) index disk
(C) directory
(D) directory disk
(E) none of these
2. The term
DBMS is referred to
(A) Data
Base Management System
(B) The software used for the management, maintenance and retrieval of data
stored in database
(C) only A
(D) both A and B
(E) none of these
3. The
speed at which data is transferred from the main memory to another medium on
which data are recorded is referred as
(A) data
transfer rate
(B) bit
(C) byte
(D) buds
(E) none of these
4. The time
period during which a computer is malfunctioning or not operating correctly due
to machine failures is referred as
(A) Downtime

(B) uptime
(C) runtime
(D) both A and B
(E) none of these
Automatic execution of high priority computer programs that have been designed
to preempt the use of computer resources is referred to as
foreground processing
(B) background processing
(C) black processing
(D) white processing
(E) none of these
Digitizer is an input device
(A) used to
convert graphic and pictorial data into binary inputs for a digital computer
(B) used for debugging
(C) used to convert graphic and pictorial data into analog inputs for a digital
(D) both A and B
(E) none of these
7. Emulator
is a program that
(A) permits
one computer to execute the machine language instructions of another computer
of a different make
(B)permits one computer to execute the machine language instructions of another
computer of same make
(C) which is not broken down into smaller units
(D) both A and B
(E) none of these
8. EDP is
referred to
Electronic Data Processing
(B) Data processing through equipment that is predominantly electronic such as
digital computer
(C) Both A and B
(D) similar to manual data processing
(E) none of these
(A) 6-bit
coding system
(B) 7-bit coding system
(C) 8-bit coding system
(D) 9-bit coding system
(E) none of these
10. The
checking operation performed on input is called as
(A) Validation
of data
(B) vilification of data
(C) verification of data
(D) both A and B
(E) none of these

Answers & Solutions – Tap to show
1. (A) dictionary disk
2. (D) both A and B
3. (A) data transfer rate
4. (A) Downtime
5. (A) foreground processing
6. (A) used to convert graphic and
pictorial data into binary inputs for a digital computer
7. (A) permits one computer to execute the
machine language instructions of another computer of a  different make
8. (C) Both A and B
9. (C) 8-bit coding system

10. (A) Validation of data

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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:53 am