Cloze Test Based on SBI PO Prelims 2017 Pattern

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a Cloze Test based on the pattern in SBI PO Prelims 2017 first shift 29 April, 2017.

That is at the
level of actual involvement (1).
But planning can and should run ahead of actual demand. This is vital, for
example, to ensure that a sufficient (2)    large part of the surface of a planned town’s
future network (3)    is made up of roads, parks, playgrounds and
other public spaces.
This will mean a
detailed planning process in the periphery(4)  of
a new town, such as Andhra Pradesh’s new capital Amaravati under construction
right now, demarcating areas that cannot be taken  (5)  on or utilized for any purpose. Retrofitting
vital infrastructure on a densely settled stretch of urban sprawl will be
hugely expensive.
1. (a) work   (b) project       (c) construction (d) making       (e) no improvement required
2. (a)
huge (b)     decent (c)    sufficiently       (d)
remarkable   (e)    no improvement required
3. (a)
inclusion   (b) usage     (c)
method   (d) expansion    (e)
no improvement required
4. (a)
areas   (b)  boulevard
(c) neighborhood    (d)
shell      (e)  no improvement required
5. (a) considered    (b)
hampered       (c)    monitored  (d)
encroached  (e)  no improvement required

1. (c)
2. (c)
3. (d)
4. (e)
5. (d)

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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:53 am