Banking Character Certificate Format

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here we are providing the character certificate format for IBPS PO, Clerk and Other Banking Joining and Interview. So here we go.

First of all let us clarify the question you have been asking.

While you join any Bank be it through IBPS or Any other,  you need 2 Character Certificates from 2 Non-Relative Well Known Person (Means your relative) and One issued by your college.

And when you appear for Bank Interviews, in some cases you need 2 Character Certificates from 2 Non-Relative Well Known Person (Means your relative).

Well known persons can be :

  1. Gazetted Officer (Preferred)
  2. Local Counselor
  3. Municipal Chairman
  4. College Principal
  5. Govt. College Professor/Principal
  6. High Ranked Police Officer
  7. Reputed Doctor


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You can go for one gazetted officer and one other person.

Here is the official Format for Character Certificate for Banking Jobs:

Click Here to Download >>>

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Team ExamPundit


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 9:03 am