Banking Awareness Quiz 2015 – Set 6

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of Banking Awareness Quiz.

1. What
is take-out financing?
(a) A
method of providing finance for longer duration projects
(b) A
method of providing finance for short duration projects
(c) A
method of providing finance without any paper work
(d) A
method of providing finance on very low interest rates
(e) None
of these
NABARD support lending to farmers, rural artisans and other non-farmers in
rural areas through
Co-operative Banks
Regional Rural Banks
(c) Land
Development Banks
Scheduled Commercial Banks
(e) All
the Above
Identify the macroeconomic policy/ policies of India ________.
Monetary policy
Fiscal policy
Regulatory policy
(d) Only
a and b
(e) None
of these
RBI uses bank rate in order to control ________.
Money supply, volume of bank credit and cost of bank credit.
(c) Cash
holdings of banks
Financial position of banks
(e) None
of these
What are the steps taken by RBI, in order to meet demand and time liabilities
of banks in time?
Banks are asked to keep mandatory regulatory cash reserve with RBI
Banks are asked to maintain CRR
(c) Both
a and b as they are same
Banks are asked to keep enough cash in cash counters
(e) None
of these
India’s own payment gate way ‘RuPay’ works in which of the following channel/s?
Automated Teller Machines
Point of Sales
Online Sales
(d) All
of the Above
(e) None
of these
Monetary policy is used by RBI for controlling _________.
Inflation or deflation
Exports or imports
Indian rupee or foreign currency
State or Central Government
(e) None
of these
Identify the difference between commercial paper and certificate of deposit
Certificate of deposit is issued at discount while commercial paper at face
Certificate of deposit is a financial instrument while commercial paper is a
financial statement
Certificate of deposit is issued by banks while commercial paper is issued by
firms or public limited companies
(d) All
the above
(e) None
of these
When does money market is called as ‘Tight’?
(a) When
the call money rate is low
(b) When
the call money rate is high
(c) When
money availability in the market is very high
(d) When
participants in the money market are ready to lend
(e) None
of these
If a bank needs to attract Provident Fund Deposits, what are the criteria that
banks must
Profitability in preceding 3 years
Minimum of Rs.200 crores as net worth
Capital adequacy of 9%
(d) All
the above
(e) None
of these
If the stock markets are declining then it is called as _______.
(a) Bull
(b) Down
(c) Bear
(e) None
of these
12. A
promissory note that is not secured by any collateral or not secured by a
mortgage or lien
marked on any property is _______ instrument.
(b) Bill
of exchange
Commercial bill
Currency bill
(e) None
of these
What does RBI do if a Re.1 note is issued by Government of India?
(a) RBI
object the issuance
(b) RBI
put into circulation
(c) RBI
converts Re.1 in to higher denomination of Rs.10 and more.
(d) RBI
asks banks to not to support for circulation
(e) None
of these
RBI issue currency rupee notes on basis of _______.
(a) By
holding minimum value of gold coins and bullion
(b) By
holding minimum foreign securities as a part of the total approved assets
(c) By
holding minimum amount of commodities which are trading in commodity exchanges
(d) Only
(a) and (b)
(e) All
the above
Which of the following entities are applicable for the new listing obligations
and disclosure
of SEBI regulations, 2014?
Listing of debentures
Listing of bonds
(c) All
listed companies
(d) All
the above
(e) None
of these
National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) is being used by banks for
Clearing and settlement
Payments and settlements
Advisory service
(e) None
of these
NOSTRO account means _______.
(a) An
account opened by foreign citizens other than NRIs in India with Indian banks
in INR for their expenses in India.
(b) An
account opened by foreign citizens other than NRIs in India with foreign banks
in foreign currency to convert Indian rupee to that currency and remit back to
their own country.
(c) An
account opened by an Indian bank in the foreign countries in their banks and in
that country currency for settlement in that country’s currency.
(d) An
account opened by a foreign bank in India with their corresponding banks in INR
for settlements in INR.
(e) None
of these
What kind of Treasury Bills (T-Bills) is/ are issued by State Government?
(a) No
Treasury Bills issued by State Government
(b) 182
– days
(c) 91 –
(d) 364
– days
(e) None
of these
Pick the odd one out from the following about Bharat Bill Payment System
(a) BBPS
is a unified bill payment system across the country.
(b) It
will be setting up the standards in operations related to payments, clearance,
and settlements.
(c) G.
Padmanabhan committee had provided a report on feasibility of Bharat Bill
Payment System (BBPS).
Payment gateways, service providers, banks, and agents will be participants in
this system.
(e) None
of these
Electronic fund transfers like RTGS and NEFT are operated and maintained by
National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI)
Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL)
Indian Banking Association (IBA)
Identify the Basel III norms from following that, recently RBI has extended the
timeline for
for banks in India _______.
Minimum regulatory capital requirement
Market discipline
Holding the minimum capital to risk weighted assets ratio to 10.25%
Leverage ratio to 3%
(e) All
the above
Identify the odd one out from the following benefits of RTGS.
Settlement is immediate
Suited for only lower value transactions
Lowers the settlement risk
Avoids credit risk while settlement
Settled at real time
In RBI’s monetary policy, Liberal Money Policy means _______.
Banks no need to deposit more excess cash as reserves.
Banks are asked for more and more deposits to be held with RBI.
(c) CRR
is decreased
(d) Both
(a) and (c)
(e) None
of these
Expand IFSC _______.
Indian Financial System Code
Indian Financial Services Code
International Financial Service Code
(d) Interbank
Fund Service Code
Indian Financial Security Code

Which among the following is known as pre-paid negotiable instrument?
Promissory note
Bankers cheque/ Pay order
Fixed deposit
(e) None
of these


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 9:02 am