8 Expected Recruitment Notifications in 2017

Hello and welcome to exampundit. In this highly competitive sector, a new notification is always a new hope. The year 2017 is expected to have a lot of new recruitment notifications. Many of the insurance recruitments did not take place in 2016, they are most likely to come out during mid-2017. On the other hand, there will also be good amount of recruitment in the banking sector. So we are listing down 8 Expected Recruitments in 2017.

1. SBI Clerk 2017: The expected date of SBI Clerk 2017 is April – May, 2017. The prelims and mains exam will be taking place 1-2 months after the notification.

2. National Insruance Co. Ltd. Administrative Officers or NICL AO 2017: It is expected that the recruitment notification will come around April, 2017. The examination will have Prelims and Mains format.

3. United India Insurance Co. AO 2017: The expected dates are not Yet clear to us. However, in the month of April to May one can expect.

4. LIC AAO 2017: The much awaited insurance AO Notification is expected to roll out during March – April, 2017.

5. IBPS PO VII: A few days and then IBPS will release their 2017-18 calendar.

6. IBPS Clerk VII: Similar to PO, we will come to know about the IBPS Clerk dates as soon as IBPS release their calendar.

7. UIIC Assistant 2017: The UIIC Assistant 2017 is expected to roll out during February, 2017.

8. SBI PO 2017: Perhaps the most eagerly waited examination in every year, SBI PO notification is likely to be out during mid-2017.

There will be PGDBF and Insurance Assistant Recruitment in this year. The above examinations are expected. The dates may differ, may get delayed as per the decision made by the authority.


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:54 am