3 Important Tips to Prepare for SBI PO Prelims 2017

Hello and welcome to exampundit. SBI PO is one of the toughest Government Job examination and this time the level has raised up. The hardest part of the whole process is Prelims Exam. Because there are millions applying and only a portion will be selected.

So, we have listed down 3 important things you must remember for SBI PO Prelims 2017.
1. Puzzles are the most crucial part in Reasoning these days. Plenty of the aspirants waste a lot of time  trying to solve the puzzles. So it is advised that you practice a lot of puzzles and increase your speed.
Box Type, 3-4 information based puzzles are advised to be practiced.
2. Choosing the ideal target and scoring maximum should be your priority. Since this has no sectional timing and you need to secure maximum, you have to choose the questions which can be solved easily. In the reasoning, you should always target the non-analytical questions first. Similarly, in Quantitative Aptitude, the questions which are easy for you should be targeted.
3. The perfect exam consists a perfect time-management strategy. In one hour, you need to do maximum and you need to secure your seat for the next stage. So, you have to make 3-4 time management strategies from now on. Then you have to try them and make sure you make a list of pros and cons of the strategies. In this way, it will be clear for you to choose the best one for the exam.

A detailed study plan will be provided by Thursday.


Don’t forget to read our review of the video course for SBI PO 2017.

All the best!


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Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:54 am